Cdn image resize
Cdn image resize

You can also use the style prop to assign inline styles.This can be an imported CSS Module, a global stylesheet, etc. In most cases, we recommend using the className prop.Use className or style, not styled-jsx.Styling the Image component is similar to styling a normal element, but there are a few guidelines to keep in mind: If none of the suggested methods works for sizing your images, the next/image component is designed to work well on a page alongside standard elements. If your application is retrieving image URLs using an API call (such as to a CMS), you may be able to modify the API call to return the image dimensions along with the URL. If you're serving images from a source that you control, consider modifying your image pipeline to normalize the images to a specific size. You can also use object-fit with fill, contain, or cover, and object-position to define how the image should occupy that space. Consider using CSS to give the image's parent element space on the page along sizes prop to match any media query break points. The fill prop allows your image to be sized by its parent element. If you are accessing images from a source without knowledge of the images' sizes, there are several things you can do: What if I don't know the size of my images? Implicitly, by using fill which causes the image to expand to fill its parent element.Explicitly, by including a width and height property.This allows the browser to reserve precisely enough space for the image before it loads.īecause next/image is designed to guarantee good performance results, it cannot be used in a way that will contribute to layout shift, and must be sized in one of three ways: The way to avoid image-based layout shifts is to always size your images. This performance problem is so annoying to users that it has its own Core Web Vital, called Cumulative Layout Shift. One of the ways that images most commonly hurt performance is through layout shift, where the image pushes other elements around on the page as it loads in. See more about priority in the next/image component documentation.

Cdn image resize